Dennis Waitley To Step Down From Board Of MLM Company USANA
“Dr. Denis Waitley has decided not to stand for reelection to the USANA board of directors. Dr. Waitley recently informed USANA that an error appeared in his biography listed in the Company’s proxy statement and that he did not in fact earn a masters degree in Organizational Development from the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Dr. Waitley did confirm that he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, and a Ph.D. in Human Behavior from La Jolla University. Dr. Waitley’s board term will end on April 17, 2007, at which time he will retire as a director of the Company.
"The board of directors has regretfully acknowledged Denis Waitley’s decision to retire from the board and acknowledges his contributions to USANA during his tenure as a director.”
Comment: The "Fraud Detection Institute" campaign against MLM company USANA claims a high profile victim.